As a student, faculty, or visitor of Brown University, you are obligated to adhere to the computing policies outlined by Computing and Information Services. In addition to these campus-wide policies, we ask that all students, faculty, and visitors of the School of Engineering and affiliate offices adhere to the following school policy regarding appropriate use of instructional and lab computers.
You should not, under any circumstances, download games, email stationary, custom desktop icons, web toolbars, or search engines. These items can increase the chance of exposing confidential information and make your computer more susceptible to viruses, worms, and other Internet-based attacks. Downloading music or movie files can be a violation of both Brown Computing Policy and federal copyright laws. See CIS's Copyright Infringement Policy for details.
This software policy is not intended to regulate how you use the computers, rather to decrease the risk of exposing private or confidential information, and to reduce the number of computer problems. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have. Thank you for doing your part to help keep the School of Engineering's computing environment secure and trouble free.