96 Results based on your selections.
In a clinical trial and study supported by Brown scientists and alumni, a participant regained nearly fluent speech using a brain-computer interface that translates brain signals into speech with up to 97% accuracy.
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Over the course of an eight-week summer accelerator focused on personal and commercial development, the Nelson Center for Entrepreneurship’s Breakthrough Lab is supporting student entrepreneurs develop 11 different ventures.
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In an important step toward a medical technology that could help restore independence of people with paralysis, researchers find the investigational BrainGate neural interface system has low rates of associated adverse events.
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News From Engineering

Using convolutional neural networks for structural safety

Brown University researchers have developed a new technology for evaluating the structural integrity of metal structures, such as pipelines, to prevent catastrophic failure.
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A new study associated with the BrainGate consortium offered significant clues about how humans learn and form long-term memories; the findings could provide insights for developers of assistive tools for people with paralysis.
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A self-propelled robotic swimmer, developed by Brown University students and faculty, could help researchers better understand the complex swimming behaviors of bacteria and other microorganisms.
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