Engineering Advisory Council (EAC)

The EAC provides advice to the dean and senior leadership of the School on strategy, development, and achievement of the highest priorities of the School of Engineering.

Engineering Advisory Council Mission

Provide support and advice in the development, execution, and attainment of the School of Engineering’s strategic goals.

Ensure the School of Engineering is providing the highest quality educational experience for its students, and is embarking on the highest impact, highest quality, research program.

Coordinate with the Engineering Development Committee to ensure that our strategic and financial initiatives are achieved.

Work with campus leadership to ensure their continued support of the School of Engineering, and recognition of the key role engineering plays in the vitality of the entire Brown community.


Engineering Advisory Council

John M. M. Anderson 85
Dean, College of Engineering and Architecture
Howard University
Washington, D.C.

Frances Bivens 88 P24
Davis Polk
New York, NY

Anish Bhimani ’91
Managing Director and Chief Information Officer
JP Morgan Chase
New York, NY

D. Oscar Groomes ’82 P’15
Metallurgical Engineer, Physicist and Materials Scientist
Groomes Business Solutions
Charlotte, NC

Clark R. Hale 85, P15
Chairman & CEO
Senneca Holdings
Lebanon, NJ

Harry Holt 84, P16
Executive Vice President of Operations
BITHGROUP Technologies
Baltimore, MD

Fazle Husain ’87
Head of US Healthcare
CVC Capital Partners
New York, NY

Mary Lou Jepsen ’87 Ph.D.’97
Chief Executive Officer and Founder
Sausalito, CA

Julie Lassonde EMBA18, P24
Canadian Engineering Memorial Foundation
Ontario, Canada  

Eric S. Lee 89
Solectek Corporation
San Diego, CA

Suzan "Suzi" G. LeVine ’93, P’25, P’27
Former US Ambassador to the Swiss Confederation and the Principality of Liechtenstein
U.S. Department of State
Seattle, WA

Deb Mills-Scofield ’82
Founder, Finding Blue Lobsters
Brown University Mentoring Maven
Pemaquid, Maine

Steven Moya ’94
President and Chief Executive Officer
San Antonio, TX

Andrea Razzaghi 82
Deputy Director of NASA Management Office
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Washington, DC

Paul Sorensen ’71 Sc.M.’75 Ph.D.’77 P’06 P’06
Hibbitt, Karlsson and Sorensen Inc.
Providence, RI

Jon Styslinger ’85 P’21 
Altec Industries
Birmingham, AL

Ted Tracy ’81 P’14
Vice President of Engineering
BlueJeans Network
Mountain View, CA

Krystyn J. Van Vliet ’98
Professor and Vice President for Research and Innovation
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY

James E. Warne, III ’78
WTI, Inc.
Phoenix, AZ