Engineering Physics

The Sc.B. degree in engineering and physics is offered jointly by the School of Engineering and the Department of Physics. It enables students to craft a program that combines both disciplines, and provides an excellent foundation for a research career.

Sc.B. in Engineering Physics

Much of engineering has its roots in physics, and physics relies on engineers to develop the instrumentation necessary to advance the field.

The Sc.B. degree in engineering and physics is offered jointly by the School of Engineering and the Department of Physics. It enables students to craft a program that combines both disciplines, and provides an excellent foundation for a research career.

The program can be entered by taking the standard introductory sequence of courses from either department, and offers a choice between physics and engineering for many upper level courses.

The program has a total of 19 required courses, and has the following general structure

  • Two introductory courses in engineering or physics
  • Five courses in mathematics, applied mathematics or mathematical physics
  • A computer programming course
  • Ten additional courses in physics and/or engineering, which include electricity and magetism, advanced classical mechanics, electrical circuits, chemistry or continuum mechanics, quantum mechanics, and solid state physics.
  • A thesis in engineering or physics

For complete requirements, please see the University Bulletin.

IENGN 0030 or 
ENGN 0032
or PHYS0050 or 0070
Introduction to Engineering or Introduction to Engineering: Design
or Analytical Mechanics
 CSCI 0150 †Intro to Object-Oriented Programming
 MATH 0190Single Variable Calculus, Part II (Physics/Engineering)
PHYS 0060 or 0160
Engineering Statics and Dynamics or
Foundations of E&M or Intro to Relativity and Quantum Physics
 MATH 0200Multivariable Calculus, Part III (Physics/Engineering)
IIIENGN 0510 or
PHYS 0470 *
Electricity and Magnetism
 ENGN0410 **Materials
 APMA 0350††Applied Ordinary Differential Equations
IVENGN 0720 or PHYS 0470Thermodynamics or Statistical Mechanics
 APMA 0340††Applied Partial Differential Equations
VPHYS 1410Quantum Mechanics
 ENGN 0810§Fluid Mechanics
 ENGN 1690 or 
PHYS 1510
Photonic Devices or Advanced Electromagnetic Theory
VIPHYS1420Quantum Mechanics
 ENGN 1370 or 
PHYS 0500
Advanced Classical or Engineering Mechanics
VIIUpper Level Course 
 Upper Level Course 
VIIIENGN 1620Analysis and Design of Electronic Circuits
 ENGN 1590 or 
PHYS 1560§§
Semiconductor Devices or Modern Physics Laboratory
† Other programming courses like CSCI0170, CSCI0111 or APMA0160 may be substituted
§ ENGN0310, CHEM0330 or PHYS1600 may be substituted
* ENG0510 must be followed by ENGN1690; PHYS0470 by PHYS1510
** PHYS 0560 may be substituted
†† Other higher level mathematics, applied mathematics or mathematical physics courses may be substituted
§§ 2000-level ENGN or PHYS course may be substituted