Professor Leigh Hochberg Honored for BrainGate Work

Leigh HochbergDr. Leigh Hochberg, associate professor of engineering, researcher at the Providence VA Medical Center, a neurologist at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard, has been honored by the Clinical Research Forum for a Nature paper last year describing how the investigational BrainGate system allowed two patients with tetraplegia to reach for and grasp objects using robotic arms controlled directly by their brain activity.

The CRF named the research, co-directed by John Donoghue, one of its Top 10 Clinical Research Achievements of 2012 and awarded it the Herbert Pardes Clinical Research Excellence Award as the most outstanding project nominated for this year's Top 10 Awards.

Other authors on the Nature paper, in addition to Hochberg and Donoghue, were Daniel Bacher, Beata Jarosiewicz, Nicolas Masse, John Simeral, Joern Vogel, Sami Haddadin, Jie Liu, Sydney Cash, and Patrick van der Smagt.